A Letter to Obamanites

Dear Foolish and Misguided,

Since you voted for obama, you can have him, and all of the baggage that comes with him.  He is yours.  Lock, stock and barrel.  He is not now, nor will he ever be, mine.  He is a disgrace to the office he currently occupies and to all of the loyal Americans who didn’t vote for him.  His leadership abilities can only be described as non-existent.  He has surrounded himself with a cadre of socialistic, unethical, self-aggrandizing belligerents, whose primary motivation is the furthering of their own selfish interests at the expense of the WORKING American people.  He has demonstrated time and again that his promises carry no meaning.  I question his eligibility to even hold the office of the Presidency, as I would question anyone whose first official function in office was to seal all of his past accomplishments(?) and history from public view.  (So much for the “promise” of transparency.)  I question the direction he is trying to lead this nation and his affinity for taking away from those who work, and giving it to those who are unproductive and lazy.  I question his propensity for ignoring our constitution and enforcing only the laws that HE deems worthy of enforcement.  I question his appointment of “Czars” in an effort to circumvent the legislative and judicial branches of our government.  I question his appointment of the 2 Supreme Court justices, of which neither have a clue, whose sole function is to interpret the Constitution as it is written, not twist it to conform to their personal, biased view of how the “world” should be.  I question the fact that he has virtually banned God and our Christian values from the White House, but openly courts Islamists and hard line Muslims.  Most of all, however, I question the very sanity of anyone who could cast a vote in favor of the most devisive, destructive man to sit in the Oval Office in modern times, and give him another 4 years to complete the dismantling of our once great nation.  You have a legal right to vote.  You have a moral right to vote wisely.  You do NOT have a right to drag this nation and its citizens over the precipice and into the abyss.  You will reap what you have sown.  It’s just tragic that the rest of us will have to suffer for your irresponsible behavior.



9 Responses

  1. I’m not really a compassionate man, Mikey. Too many years serving my country, whining about it, and trying to “Make a positive difference in the world”, I guess. I don’t have a lot of patience with fools and their lot. “You Know I’m Right” made a valid comparison of Rome burning to present day America and Obama, and I’m surprised you didn’t pick up on that as you seem like a simi-intelligent man. I do appreciate the history lesson though.
    In reference to your plans for a better future; I hate to break this to you, but your idea to spend less is going out the window just as soon as obama gets through signing all those tax increases. Driving less I might agree with. By the time obama closes more drilling sites and raises the gasoline tax, the price of gas will be so high none of us will be able to afford to drive. With a single stroke of his pen obama has done more damage to this country than all of our wars combined. By signing the Affordable Care Act he has single handedly BANKRUPTED this nation! Who said Presidents can’t solve or have an effect on problems?
    What kind of “Stuff” are you giving away? If it’s guns or ammo I might be interested, anything else you can keep, but thanks anyway. Now, about that singing you mentioned. Do you really think sitting around a camp fire, holding hands and singing Kumbaya is going to bring about a better future? This is your idea of making a positive difference? God help us all…

  2. Just like Obama after Sandy too, except for the photo op. Longing for a Legion right about now.

  3. Reblogged this on Read and Right.

  4. Love the Rome reference, especially since it didn’t happen that way. According to Suetonius (in the Twelve Caesars), Nero ordered the fire to be set himself, to be able to raise his PR by putting it out. Unfortunately, it got out of hand, burned too rapidly, and he was perceived to be impotent as a leader, like W after Katrina. The Legion forced his suicide within months.

  5. Oh, I see. Fiddling while Rome burns. I guess you better do it while you can. Haven’t you ever heard the fairy tale about the unicorns? Also, if you don’t like what you are reading, go find some more happy blogs where you can more readily indulge your fantasy mentality. Don’t subject yourself to viewpoints that are opposite yours. It might bring you down and we wouldn’t want that.

  6. Actually, I do want to know. The whining gets old really fast, but plans for a better future make me energized and excited! I plan to spend less, drive less, give away a lot of stuff, and sing more (for example).

  7. You don’t want to know what we’re doing to make a positive difference in the world.

  8. Hope you feel a bit better after that. Now, how do you intend to make a positive difference in the world? There are plenty of problems here that Presidents can’t solve, or even have much effect upon. Prayer might be a good start, to get yourself re-centered on compassion.

  9. Hear, hear!! Those idiots don’t deserve to be called Americans.

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