Time to Return to Normal

I am going to begin posting my political "rants" on my other blog. This one will return to lighter topics, maybe some about knitting even!
To start with, my husband and I went to a marriage conference conducted by Dr. Larry Crabb and his lovely wife Rachael this weekend. It was at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, which is unbelievably beautiful. While walking back from breakfast Saturday morning, we saw two lynxes near a streambed right in the middle of the grounds. How special that was! No one ever sees lynxes; they are rather elusive, but there we were with two of them not more than 50 feet from us. We all stared at each other for a while, then they decided to stroll off down the creekbed, maybe looking for their breakfast. Wow.

Get to Know Your President

Here is a list of articles written by Stanley Kurtz about Obama. Forewarned is forearmed.

We Don’t Know Who Obama Is

You probably heard shortly after the election that some media figures are admitting that we really don’t know who Obama is, what he stands for; he’s sort of like a puzzle. But I think we have all sorts of examples of his character, pieces of the puzzle, before us in the way he has conducted his life and this campaign.
We know he is charismatic, because of his quick rise to power on the basis of his personality with virtually no other qualifications.
We know he is arrogant, because he is ignoring the many requests for him to prove he is eligible to hold the office of president; and he will not answer questions he doesn’t "like."
We know he does not keep his word, as evidenced by his "changing his mind" about accepting public campaign financing. That is dishonorable and renders him untrustworthy.
We know he is unscrupulous and will do anything to "win," because he changes the rules in the middle of the game, he changed positions many times during the campaign, he set up his online donation system to accept contributions without safeguards to ensure his contributions were all legal and above board, and he will not release a list of contributors to prove they were all legal and that he did not cheat to win.
We know he has overstated his past experience, making "community organizer" sound like some sort of big executive position, and in his case the community organizing had no real beneficial effect on the neighborhoods it was supposed to help, according to an interview with National Review. One associate of his, Mike Kruglik, said during the interview that during his community organizing days, Obama "was constantly thinking about his path to significance and power," and that Obama went to Harvard Law School to [paraphrasing] find out more about power, how powerful people think, what kind of networks they have, and how they connect to each other. From this we can assume he is power-hungry. 
We know, because of his denial of his many questionable associations, that he is a liar. We also know, because he requires those wishing appointments to fill out a questionnaire listing THEIR past associations and past actions that might be "embarrassing" to him or demonstrate conflicts of interest, that he is a hypocrite.
We know he is a bully, because he punishes those who ask him legitimate questions about his policies and stances, calling these questions "personal attacks" and then denying "access." His campaign blacklisted WFTV after Barbara West asked Joe Biden some tough questions, and he did not call on any Fox News reporters during the press conference he held shortly after the election.
We know he is domineering, and extremely insecure (which can quickly turn to paranoia – it wouldn’t be the first time), because he cannot handle being challenged and he wants to silence those who speak out against him, as evidenced by his appointment of Henry Rivera as FCC commissioner, and his appointment of Rahm Emanuel as WH chief of staff. (Rivera is a strong supporter of the "Fairness" Doctrine, and Emanuel condemned Clinton "betrayers" to death in the 90’s as he stabbed a table with a knife, crying "Dead!" after speaking each "betrayer’s" name.) He also wants to form some sort of citizen security force, separate from and independent of the military, which some fear would be similar to this organization.
We know he does not have a clue about protocol and is very immature, because of the leaks about his confidential meeting with President Bush (no one else was in the room…); and, according to Hillary Clinton, his "naive and dangerous" positions on matters of national security.
And we know, by his own words in his own books, that he feels a close kindredness with Marxists.
It turns out there is a lot we know about him after all, if we put all the pieces together. Based on his own actions and statements, and reports from some who know him, the man is a charismatic, arrogant, dishonorable, untrustworthy, unscrupulous, self aggrandizing, power hungry, lying, hypocritical, domineering, insecure, unversed, immature, naive and dangerous Marxist-leaning bully.
Not that there haven’t been bad politicians before, but……..

A Quote for YOU from Nikita Krushchev

We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving

Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.

Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959

And We Still Elected A Liberal For President!

This video came out 5 months ago, and we still elected an extreme-leftist liberal as president. Unbelievable. Take your heads out of your butts, Americans.

America, You Asked For It.

And you’re gonna get it soon; Putin’s already flexing.

Elimination of 25 Million People

If this doesn’t scare you, you’re either already dead, or soon will be.

Out of the Mouths of Babes

My sister sent me an email that told the story about a woman talking to her Democrat friend and the friend’s young daughter. The young daughter commented that she wanted to be President when she grew up. The woman asked her, "What would be the first thing you’d do if you were President?" The little girl replied, "I’d give money to the homeless so they could buy food and a place to live."
"That’s very commendable!" said the woman, "but you can do that right now. You can come over to my house, mow my yard, rake and sweep, and I’ll give you $50. Then I will drive you to the grocery store where the homeless man hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to buy food and put toward a place to live." The little girl thought about it a minute, and then said, "WHY DON’T YOU LET THE HOMELESS MAN DO THE WORK AND THEN GIVE HIM THE $50?"
The woman replied, "Welcome to the Republican party." The woman’s friend hasn’t spoken to her since.