Open Carry Update 2

(OUR STATE IS AN OPEN-CARRY STATE – thought I’d share that!)

Well, we’ve been open carrying everywhere now: I’d list the names of the businesses but someone close to me thinks they may be targeted by left-wing wackos and then would cave to pressure, like weak-kneed Starbucks and other moron-led enterprises have. So I will not tell you other than to say: grocery stores, restaurants, gas station stores, truck stop stores, hardware stores, warehouse club stores, hair salons, around our neighborhood, basically everywhere that doesn’t have a sign – and we don’t go in places where we are prevented from being able to protect life. Well, except in the post office to check our PO box. And then usually one of us stays outside, at the ready in case anything does happen.

Hardly anyone has even noticed, although we do get a glance or two now and then. And then there’s this: today I carried in the grocery store near my house and one of the employees THANKED ME for carrying, and said they all feel safer with me in the store. How great is that? Very.

Every time I start to question being one of only two people in an establishment obviously carrying a gun, I just remember those Marines and Naval Petty Officer who were gunned down because our military CAN’T carry. So I will, for them.


Open Carry Everywhere

We’re sick at heart. Four Marines and a Sailor killed, because they were barred from being armed. Sickening. We’re also sick of the games. We’re sick of people not being allowed to protect their lives. We’re really angry that so many have lost their lives in gun-free zones, forced to submit to illegal restrictions put in place by control freak tyrants who either are armed themselves, or have armed guards with them at all times. This is wrong.

So, we made a change. We open carried in our local Home Depot today, and it was so liberating. I thought getting a concealed carry permit was empowering, and it was, but it was nothing compared to being in public and not hiding the fact that we were armed. I think it was also liberating because it takes courage, and we didn’t chicken out at the last minute!

No one bothered us; hardly anyone even noticed. We were hoping someone would notice – like a bad guy intent on doing harm, who would change his mind. Maybe that happened. Who knows? We were also hoping, and still are, that some other law-abiding types would notice, and be inspired to go openly armed more often, and get the public more used to seeing it.

We urge others to take a similar stand. The government is prohibited from preventing us, the people who created the government and are the REAL authority in this country, from carrying firearms to protect life, and protect this country from their idiotic tyrannical policies that get defenseless men, women, and children killed.

Find your courage. Start with a place that doesn’t have a sign, and do it. With the slaughter of America’s Finest fresh in the national cognition, the time is now.

Do it.




Jade Helm ‘Training Exercise’ – Training FOR THIS

This is bad, people. Jade Helm is a training exercise, yes, and this is what they’re training for (link below):

The military plans to embed special forces in the general population to deal with domestic threats – er, “advance US interests.” Since the population of the US will not spy on each other, they plan to use embedded SOF operators to do the job. Seriously.

They also plan to “partner” with local agencies (i.e. police, sheriff, FBI, whoever) to “further” US interests and deal with whatever perceived threat they can think up: political dissidents, people who criticize the government, Christians who won’t support sinful lifestyles – 2nd Amendment supporters – whoever they decide needs to be dealt with. Here’s a quote from the introductory letter by Gen. Charles T. Cleveland: “…success will depend increasingly on our ability to … be as precise as possible in our unilateral application of force.” How do you like them apples?

This is unconstitutional, but who gives a rip about the Constitution anymore?

And don’t forget, the government granted itself, with passage of the Patriot Act, the power to kidnap and hold American citizens INDEFINITELY AND WITHOUT WARRANTS, WITHOUT CHARGES, AND WITHOUT ATTORNEY ACCESS, just on the president’s say-so. And you know how paranoid this government has become, because they know they are working against the American people.

Click to access ARSOF%20Operating%20Concept%202014.pdf

God bless and help this nation, and rain down terror on her enemies. Soon.



Take 10:30 seconds to hear this analysis of Nobama’s Iran disaster


Many comments could be generated after listening to this analysis, so it’s best just to ask you to hear it for yourself. It is podcast #1.

Click here.


NORAD Moving Back to EMP-Proof Cheyenne Mountain

Please listen to the third podcast down. (Scroll down a bit.)

In July 2006, NORAD and the Northern Command moved out of Cheyenne Mountain to Peterson AFB. Well, now NORAD and Northern Command are moving back to Cheyenne Mountain. Cheyenne Mountain is EMP-proof. Hmm. Why now? I wonder if it has anything to do with these Iran nuke talks. Or all the threats to our grid coming from China, Russia, and basically every other nation obama has alienated from the US. Plus all our other enemies who see how weak-kneed he is, and are taking note of how he has decimated our military.

So if there is a perceived threat of EMP, are our grids being hardened? The ones that power the rest of the country, you know, all us little people? No. But military command is moving to Cheyenne Mountain. Do they know something we don’t know? (Ans: Always.)



More Jade Helm Stuff

I did some more research about jade, and the obvious connection escaped me when I wrote “What’s in a Name:” There is a China connection. Jade comes from China. This throws a whole other light on the subject. Please ponder for yourself.

Also, I found this site while researching the above topic; take it for what you will. There are some videos and some speculation as well. Please don’t freak out!


-YouKnowI’mRight (writing under Gideon’s pen name because he’s the one signed on at the moment!)

Video: Sir, I Will not Obey that Order

This is a must-see 5-min video by Bill Whittle. Please watch it, digest it, and share it.