Greenies Make No Sense

God created man, and gave him dominion over the earth, and the animals, and the creeping things of the earth, and all the plants that inhabit the earth.

So, all you greenies, why do you want to force man under submission to that over which he has dominion???

How stupid. And you think you’re so smart.

A Verse for Bill and Hillary

Applies to Chelsea too:

What good is wealth in the possession of a fool who has no desire to acquire wisdom?

-Pr 17:16, (Lamsa’s translation from the Aramaic)

You Know I’m Right

One Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden

The reason why such evil is occurring by Muslims in Sweden is two fold: (1) Islamic ideology fosters such behavior and deems it normal; (2) Sweden has surrendered to Islamic control.

Such is America’s future unless true Americans stop the Islamic invasion of America, through out America’s worthless leadership, and then take control of this nation and live for good.


A Verse For Boehner

Proverbs 20:1, New King James Version (NKJV)

Wine is a mocker,
Strong drink is a brawler,
And whoever is led astray by it is not wise.

-You Know I’m Right

Pits and Shins

This is too good not to pass on!

I use homemade deodorant:

6-8 Tbsp Coconut oil (solid state) (I use 92 degree but 76 degree works too)
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)

Combine the dry ingredients and work into the not melted coconut oil till evenly mixed. Add 10-12 drops of your favorite essential oil if you want fragrance. Pack it into an emptied stick-type deodorant container, and keep it in in the frig.

It works! Give your body a couple weeks to adjust. Also, I just recently discovered that if I want to shave, all I have to do is get my underarms a bit wet with my fingertips, and shave. They’re not sticky like with regular deodorant – the razor glides like you wouldn’t believe.

Then, I tried another experiment: shaving my legs with olive oil. Yep. Got them wet with a washrag, rubbed some olive oil on them, and shaved. No mess, no cuts, didn’t have to take off my clothes or get in the shower, or hang my legs over the edge of the tub. Heaven. Not to mention the conditioning effect of the oil.

Try it; you’ll like it!

-You Know I’m Right

Here we go again…yawn…

So, obama says right wing terrorists are a bigger threat to the country than the actual terrorists. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We all know that “right wingers” are the ones who have the guns, and they are the ones who will defend this country against the left’s tyranny, so of course they have to be disarmed and prevented from doing that. By whatever tactics are necessary.

After all, obama loves this country and knows what’s best for the USA.


No Constitutional Right to Concealed Carry

The court got this one right. The Constitution doesn’t grant rights. It tells the government where to BACK OFF.

Dear Europe:

Wish you still had your guns???

-You Know I’m Right

The Coming Insurrection


It is time to review the book The Coming Insurrection. Perhaps it’s been collecting dust on a table or resting in some box, but you should consider going through it again.

The primary theme of the book, as I understand  it, is that some collection of elite globalists will create a new narrative through which they will reshape and govern the world. Economics, politics, and earth worship fuse to become the new model of all life, meaning, and work. The fact that this view will be manufactured and a lie doesn’t matter to the new leaders. Submission to it does. These people have become so bankrupt of truth their only recourse is to fashion a fantasy for themselves and others. Sad, and deadly. Self-appointed, they will eliminate those opposing their agenda.

We are being fed bull and will be pressured to submit. Learn what is happening, get the word out, set yourself and family for what is upon us.


Out of the Republican Party

A few hours ago, I sent the below to the RNC. I’m done with them. And I’m not voting for president for the first time since 1980. I’ll help elect true conservatives on the “down ballot” so we can purge our government of corrupt politicians, and teach the office of the presidency what “checks and balances” and “Constitutional limits” mean.

Trumpeters be warned: there will be no more unconstitutional presidential actions, so somebody better send him to some classes at Hillsdale College, and quick.

I have been a Republican for 25 years. Yesterday I changed my party affiliation from Republican to Unaffiliated. The reason for the change is you have betrayed the American people over and over again, and this time is the last straw.
When John Kasich suspended his campaign HOURS after Ted Cruz suspended his, then when it was reported how the “Tea Party” members of Congress are being treated by the leadership, I realized I could no longer be a part of an organization committing such dastardly and even evil acts against their colleagues and We the People.
I hope the Republican party dissolves and is replaced by true Constitutional conservatives who believe in the rule of law and not men. You are a disgrace to the memories of all those who fought and died for YOUR freedom.