Here we go again…yawn…

So, obama says right wing terrorists are a bigger threat to the country than the actual terrorists. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We all know that “right wingers” are the ones who have the guns, and they are the ones who will defend this country against the left’s tyranny, so of course they have to be disarmed and prevented from doing that. By whatever tactics are necessary.

After all, obama loves this country and knows what’s best for the USA.


The Global Chess Game – It’s About Oil and Control

Greetings friend.

If what this article reports is true, then the risks for global war and mayhem skyrocket!

Click here.


Don’t Think Globalist Islam A Threat? Read This!


It is past time for the ignorant in America to wake the heck up and get with the program! You who read this, purpose get others to read about the horrific conditions across the world as surveyed in this article and keep sounding the alarm! Click here.

American Progressivists, delusional Leftists, and intentionally evil socialists fan the flames for Islamic jihad in our United Sates! This great country does not belong to global elitists to wreck! Yet we allow them free and unhindered access to the gateways of our land to alter our social fabric and institutions, and now we are being flooded with this worlds most wicked beings, Islamists!

Increased violence is coming here! Read what is unfolding across the globe that most people will never hear about. Please work to change this irresponsible willful blindness and stand against evil!


Iran Truth Panel – What the Public Must Know


Give this 25 min. Click here.

The lies by our government are huge!


NORAD Moving Back to EMP-Proof Cheyenne Mountain

Please listen to the third podcast down. (Scroll down a bit.)

In July 2006, NORAD and the Northern Command moved out of Cheyenne Mountain to Peterson AFB. Well, now NORAD and Northern Command are moving back to Cheyenne Mountain. Cheyenne Mountain is EMP-proof. Hmm. Why now? I wonder if it has anything to do with these Iran nuke talks. Or all the threats to our grid coming from China, Russia, and basically every other nation obama has alienated from the US. Plus all our other enemies who see how weak-kneed he is, and are taking note of how he has decimated our military.

So if there is a perceived threat of EMP, are our grids being hardened? The ones that power the rest of the country, you know, all us little people? No. But military command is moving to Cheyenne Mountain. Do they know something we don’t know? (Ans: Always.)



Video: Sir, I Will not Obey that Order

This is a must-see 5-min video by Bill Whittle. Please watch it, digest it, and share it.

Our Dictator Needs A Rebuke! Rogue. Globalist. Islamist.

Good morning, Reader.

Obama and company exert their unlawful powers in the most extreme and dangerous manner for this country. Click here. By nullifying public access to administration records, Obama and company have cut the cord between this country and its people. (Yes, I do believe he has done this already in many other ways. This one is, though, is a slap in the face.)

Obama has stolen this country by deceiving its people and doing things according to his will; which is a shared vision by many people across this globe: “planning the future today.”  Click here. No doubt you have heard of the Transpacific Partnership. Click here. There is also a Transatlantic Network. Click here.  Look around that site a bit. We’re being yanked from both shores!

All the while, this country was never Obama’s to change. It was never  “anyone’s” to change. Only the American people possess the right to choose and facilitate change!  Fundamentally transform America Obama is doing. With the help of the Muslim Brotherhood it is clipping right along. Our president should be elected on the premise that he will see to America’s well-being by responsible execution of his defined powers. Claiming his administration will no longer comply with Freedom of Information Act requests, that group declares itself  above the laws of  this land. They demonstrate no responsibility to Americans. They are rogue, and they will drain this country of every asset, whether financial, our liberty, our moral virtues and the truths they are built upon, even the very idea of American hope dies.

The Transpacific article linked to above shows that political elite and corporate greed fuel this trans-national unification. The Muslim Brotherhood’s 100 year plan shows similar goals, which explains why they are a mere tool serving globalist ends. Click here. A primary objective of the Brotherhood is seizing control of American assets (military, political, financial) is to build the Islamic State. This is one aspect of The Plan: “THE FIFTH POINT OF DEPARTURE To dedicate ourselves to the establishment of an Islamic state, in parallel with gradual efforts aimed at gaining control of local power centers through institutional action. a- Elements To channel thought, education and action in order to establish an Islamic power [government] on the earth. To influence centers of power both local and worldwide to the service of Islam.” Click here.

Did you ever conceive such self-centeredness, arrogance, corruption, and greed would be THE risk to hedge aganst when doing financial planning years ago in hopes that your retirement would come about a certain way? Your financial planning perhaps had some mention of geo-political risk in the analysis, but this is crazy! Of course not. And in times past, you would not need to be thinking of a possible reshuffling of the world, except now we’ve been delivered into the hands of those who loathe American independence and all the United States of America stands for in her Constitutional purity. Thank you, Mr. Obama.

A second item for rebuke is Obama’s affection for all things Muslim Brotherhood and Islam.  I believe it right to conclude America on the global level is already under Islamic control. Not American citizens. This is due  to the Muslim Brotherhood’s takeover of the federal government and the White House. Obama’s new appointee to the Middle East (Click here) is a clear example of America’s policy shift. Nothing good will come from this appointment. The man hates Israel. He is involved with the Brotherhood. Obama appointed him. Why? Can it be that all this is linked to the Brotherhood’s goal of eliminating Israel?

With a clever sleight of hand, the full force of the U.S. is now backing those who were until recently our polar opposites. America’s view of who constitutes our allies and our long standing goals in the Middle East are both on their heads. The American people would never consent to appointing a member of the Brotherhood to anything involving national interests, if they only understood!

The president has openly shown he has his plans for America in mind, and these do not align with  those of our citizens or the Constitution. No additional evidence is needed beyond even these few examples to reveal his true intent. Again, compare his actions with the Brotherhood’s goals. Sick, isn’t it.

Americans are suckers. We watch our country’s death day after day. Talk radio shows overflow with emotionally uttered and well informed comments. Truth is spoken and confirmed by others. People can discuss myriads of topics without taking a breath. And too many serve as ready listeners! But our talk accomplishes nothing to stop those subverting America!

To the praise of those now fighting: Many citizens are out trying to educate, inform, and truly help citizens understand America’s disappearance and these people are working to help mend the wound. Others among us have a passion to take America back in yet different ways. But for most of us, even our best contributions seem to bother or disrupt our enemies very little. Why?

For many decades the subversive  maneuvering to rule America has been the goal of  the Muslim Brotherhood. For each of these decades, and especially the more recent years, our elected officials at higher levels, and throughout various federal positions and agencies around the world, have willfully turned a blind eye to this war or joined in with our enemies for reasons of selfish gain. These individuals are accountable to the American people. Citizens who give a darn should unite, gather the facts, conduct citizen arrests, try these traitors, and go from there. No one else will do this. Those stealing this country are at ease. America offers nothing in resistance for them to fear, even though this country belongs to the citizens.

People who have facts and know the truth need to come forward and arm the public with the truth. Then, We The People will move forward and remove the filth and rot infecting this country. The Muslim Brotherhood’s own documents show that the destruction of America is one of the group’s major goals, as is the rise of an Islamic State, as is using the Palistianian conflict as a tool for generating global focus and leverage against Israel. The whole bloody plan is known! In times past, having the enemy’s plans would lead to the defenders having a field day exploiting such a find! Again, what suckers we are!

Obama and his administration are involved with the Brotherhood. Thus, Obama and his administration are actively and openly at war with America. If any American knows these things to be true, why the Hades are you and I not leading a massive legal or citizen campaign to deal with these people as they deserve? WHY? If we, for whatever timid or other invalid excuse, knowing the truth just sit on it and toss our knowledge around among people like ourselves, we are worthless as Americans and wasting valuable air.

At a minimum, my belief is we should be developing separate communities that refuse to be ruled by an enemy to America, one who has sought her destruction, lives above the nation’s laws but demands we live by them, and anything else they throw at us under threat of dealing with a perverted justice system. If Obama and company feel safe enough to decree themselves free of the FOIA, what dare you think is coming next? History can clue us in. I know others of you specialize in that area. Perhaps posting something would be helpful and ignite a fire in the lives of others.

Please become a Pro-Constitutional Citizen Coalition Freedom Fighter. Band  with those of like-mind and work your area for liberty and justice!

Do not give in! Make them take your blood!


Things you don’t know the Muslim Brotherhood is behind that must be stopped!

Greetings, Reader.

For the moment, Islamists do not completely control information access. Although, unfavorable information concerning them is being purged regularly from many schools, law enforcement training programs, national security elements, military training programs etc. That is another goal of their plan. YES, there is a plan.

Most people in the West will die ignorant of this fact. A war for the earth is underway. It is described in many ways by many different types of people, but the bottom line is the same: Good vs. Evil. Islam claims to be the Good and anything else Ignorant or Evil. This point is highly questionable, false, and it is time to deal with Islam’s claim in every way available.

The only worldview with any capacity to stare Islam in the face and challenge its lies and evil acts is Christianity. Christianity can deal with the theological and philosophical dreams advanced as truth. Since Islam is political as well as religious, any liberty loving individual should wage counter jihad toward them. An alliance of Christians and Sons of Liberty is past due!

While Islam does not yet choke the free flow of information, people with empty heads must be filled with all the information available on who Islamists are and what they are about. Islamists have a 100 year plan, so we need to counter that plan, to thwart that plan, and raise up a sufficient supply of people equipped to go toe-to-toe with them for all time.

I urge you to read the quotes below (link to source article at the end) and get moving on making the Brotherhood’s and Islamists’ dream their nightmare and a journey of confusion. Don’t end your day till you have made a difference to this end!


“Developing a comprehensive 100-year plan to advance Islamist ideology throughout the world.”

“Building extensive social networks of schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamist ideals so that contact with the movement for Muslims in the West is constant.”

“Involving ideologically committed Muslims in democratically-elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions.”

And, the rest:

  • “Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam;
  • Drafting Islamic constitutions, laws and policies for eventual implementation;
  • Avoiding conflict within the Islamist movements on all levels, including the development of processes for conflict resolution;
  • Instituting alliances with Western “progressive” organizations that share similar goals;
  • Creating autonomous “security forces” to protect Muslims in the West;
  • Inflaming violence and keeping Muslims living in the West “in a jihad frame of mind”;
  • Supporting jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support;
  • Making the Palestinian cause a global wedge issue for Muslims;
  • Adopting the total liberation of Palestine from Israel and the creation of an Islamic state as a keystone in the plan for global Islamic domination;
  • Instigating a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and rejecting any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them;
  • Actively creating jihad terror cells within Palestine;
  • Linking the terrorist activities in Palestine with the global terror movement;
  • Collecting sufficient funds to indefinitely perpetuate and support jihad around the world.”


Truth Hammers America’s Enemies!

This is almost too much for one day!


Arrest warrant for George  Soros!

Hillary Clinton, Grover Norquist and their ties to Islamic jihadists and the Muslim Brotherhood becoming exposed!

Betrayal Papers Part IV, and More


Please take the time to read Part IV in total. Click here. You will become infuriated by what you learn!

Also, please listen to the first 10 minute podcast found here. You will become more infuriated, if you can believe it.

Is Lindsey Graham an enemy of this country? See here. This will make your head explode!

I beg you, review this information soon then send it on.

This country is in SERIOUS jeopardy. That means you, your family, friends, loved ones are in peril.  If you and your family are not this moment prepared to face a large-scale and lengthy crisis, stop procrastinating! Partner up with others sharing your convictions. You will not have time, resources, safe travel, etc., to try to do these things later.
