Greenies Make No Sense

God created man, and gave him dominion over the earth, and the animals, and the creeping things of the earth, and all the plants that inhabit the earth.

So, all you greenies, why do you want to force man under submission to that over which he has dominion???

How stupid. And you think you’re so smart.

One Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden

The reason why such evil is occurring by Muslims in Sweden is two fold: (1) Islamic ideology fosters such behavior and deems it normal; (2) Sweden has surrendered to Islamic control.

Such is America’s future unless true Americans stop the Islamic invasion of America, through out America’s worthless leadership, and then take control of this nation and live for good.


A Verse For Boehner

Proverbs 20:1, New King James Version (NKJV)

Wine is a mocker,
Strong drink is a brawler,
And whoever is led astray by it is not wise.

-You Know I’m Right

The Coming Insurrection


It is time to review the book The Coming Insurrection. Perhaps it’s been collecting dust on a table or resting in some box, but you should consider going through it again.

The primary theme of the book, as I understand  it, is that some collection of elite globalists will create a new narrative through which they will reshape and govern the world. Economics, politics, and earth worship fuse to become the new model of all life, meaning, and work. The fact that this view will be manufactured and a lie doesn’t matter to the new leaders. Submission to it does. These people have become so bankrupt of truth their only recourse is to fashion a fantasy for themselves and others. Sad, and deadly. Self-appointed, they will eliminate those opposing their agenda.

We are being fed bull and will be pressured to submit. Learn what is happening, get the word out, set yourself and family for what is upon us.


RAPE: Part of Islamic Conquest?


Brutal rapes being committed by Muslims in Sweden, Germany, France, and now Austria demonstrate to the sane world that these acts can only be attributed to intentional decisions driven by  specific beliefs.

Those who research this issue for themselves will gain the truth.

I know many women can handle any situation themselves. Some will not be able to. Men, are you willing and able to watch and act as required if something unfolds and you are right there?

Lots to consider, friends.



First, this couldn’t happen to a nastier guy: Barnie Frank’s boyfriend offers blacks watermelon in exchange for votes. Comeuppance is sweet.

Second, and we saved the best for last, Cair leader gets busted for CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING. Islam is evil. Maybe this will finally open some eyes.

Don’t Think Globalist Islam A Threat? Read This!


It is past time for the ignorant in America to wake the heck up and get with the program! You who read this, purpose get others to read about the horrific conditions across the world as surveyed in this article and keep sounding the alarm! Click here.

American Progressivists, delusional Leftists, and intentionally evil socialists fan the flames for Islamic jihad in our United Sates! This great country does not belong to global elitists to wreck! Yet we allow them free and unhindered access to the gateways of our land to alter our social fabric and institutions, and now we are being flooded with this worlds most wicked beings, Islamists!

Increased violence is coming here! Read what is unfolding across the globe that most people will never hear about. Please work to change this irresponsible willful blindness and stand against evil!


The Muslim Brotherhoods “An Explanatory Memorandum” – The Plan to Overthrow North America


Read the plan which  the Muslim Brotherhood and many Muslim organizations in America have been working out over the last many decades. Learn what Muslims are doing in your community to support the larger goal of overthrowing America. Learn where things are heading, expose the lies, and help stop their subversive and seditious actions to destroy America!

The English translation begins about half way through the document. Click here.

Investigative group’s page here.


Nun: Islam IS ISIS; Deniers are Liars

A nun who has been ministering to Muslims for years says that Islam is ISIS, and whoever says otherwise is a liar:

“The mission of (Abu Bakr) Baghdadi, of ISIS, is to convert the world completely to the Islamic religion and bring them to Dar Al Salaam, as they call it. And Islam is not peace, please. Whoever says ISIS has no connection to Islam or something like this is, he’s a liar. ISIS is Islam; Islam is ISIS,” Dogan explained.

She goes on to say she is disappointed in the weak reaction from the west. I concur.


Islam’s Reformation is Happening Now. Don’t Miss It!


Click here.
