Pits and Shins

This is too good not to pass on!

I use homemade deodorant:

6-8 Tbsp Coconut oil (solid state) (I use 92 degree but 76 degree works too)
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)

Combine the dry ingredients and work into the not melted coconut oil till evenly mixed. Add 10-12 drops of your favorite essential oil if you want fragrance. Pack it into an emptied stick-type deodorant container, and keep it in in the frig.

It works! Give your body a couple weeks to adjust. Also, I just recently discovered that if I want to shave, all I have to do is get my underarms a bit wet with my fingertips, and shave. They’re not sticky like with regular deodorant – the razor glides like you wouldn’t believe.

Then, I tried another experiment: shaving my legs with olive oil. Yep. Got them wet with a washrag, rubbed some olive oil on them, and shaved. No mess, no cuts, didn’t have to take off my clothes or get in the shower, or hang my legs over the edge of the tub. Heaven. Not to mention the conditioning effect of the oil.

Try it; you’ll like it!

-You Know I’m Right