Letter to My Representative

My husband emailed the following letter to Rep. Mike Coffman, R-CO. I think he expresses very well the sentiments of the majority of Americans. Well, we’re the majority until the government passes their blanket amnesty measures (and we really need to fight that one, to avert a permanent Democrat majority in this country).

Greetings, Mike.

Well said, Sweety.

Thanks for what you’re doing for us. Remain steadfast pursuing righteousness, honor, truth, and justice; America’s core identity, preservation and freedom.

I’m deeply concerned and angered over Obama’s desired policy changes that pertain to radical gender/sexual orientation/non-traditional marriage, and the individual, state, business and organization’s consequential loss of freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of belief, freedom of disagreement, and freedom of speech, if Obama’s policies on these subjects (and a host of others) go into effect. For the legislative enactment of such radical policies by definition will cause the loss of existing mainstream freedoms for millions of Americans (the core Americans of our country) making them the new “perceived” minority philosophically, although they remain the majority numerically!

I am also deeply concerned over Obama’s appointment of Geithner for Treasurer.

I am a disabled veteran. I volunteered to put my life on the line, if required, to preserve America’s greatness and people’s freedoms, and now I feel like those freedoms need preservation in ways I could never before imagine! I’m also a financial broker. If I did even a token of what the leaders of our financial system did to screw things up I’d lose my licenses, be fined and go to jail! Where is the sustained and effective outrage and the demand for justice? All we hear is the cry for more money (and the implied by silence absence of accountability and consequences!). The economic crisis we’re in was caused by a moral and ethical catastrophe that isn’t even getting noticed because of the center stage cry of the urgent.

Raise the issue, Mike. Please, raise the issue. The absence of morality, virtue and accountability central to the fabric of our nation birthed our social and economic mess. Where is justice? Where is sanity? Where is the American backbone to say NO MORE of this destructive social chaos run amuck and unchecked?

PLEASE: NO Geithner. NO radical sexual orientation, gender, marriage policy shifts. NO loss of freedoms now in place to accommodate “behaviors” most Americans strongly disagree with. NO Obamaland. He does not possess some unchallengeable right to America’s future to redefine this country merely because he got elected president. The American people own this country! NO extorted submission of the States to the Federal Government on items they disagree with the Federal Government on!

PLEASE, give your life (again) to preserve America. The fight is different this time, but the consequence of defeat greater than we dare consider. If you need help, please enlist me.


(name omitted from post)
(town also omitted), CO

>Letter to My Representative

>My husband emailed the following letter to Rep. Mike Coffman, R-CO. I think he expresses very well the sentiments of the majority of Americans. Well, we’re the majority until the government passes their blanket amnesty measures (and we really need to fight that one, to avert a permanent Democrat majority in this country).

Greetings, Mike.

Thanks for what you’re doing for us. Remain steadfast pursuing righteousness, honor, truth, and justice; America’s core identity, preservation and freedom.

I’m deeply concerned and angered over Obama’s desired policy changes that pertain to radical gender/sexual orientation/non-traditional marriage, and the individual, state, business and organization’s consequential loss of freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of belief, freedom of disagreement, and freedom of speech, if Obama’s policies on these subjects (and a host of others) go into effect. For the legislative enactment of such radical policies by definition will cause the loss of existing mainstream freedoms for millions of Americans (the core Americans of our country) making them the new “perceived” minority philosophically, although they remain the majority numerically!

I am also deeply concerned over Obama’s appointment of Geithner for Treasurer.

I am a disabled veteran. I volunteered to put my life on the line, if required, to preserve America’s greatness and people’s freedoms, and now I feel like those freedoms need preservation in ways I could never before imagine! I’m also a financial broker. If I did even a token of what the leaders of our financial system did to screw things up I’d lose my licenses, be fined and go to jail! Where is the sustained and effective outrage and the demand for justice? All we hear is the cry for more money (and the implied by silence absence of accountability and consequences!). The economic crisis we’re in was caused by a moral and ethical catastrophe that isn’t even getting noticed because of the center stage cry of the urgent.

Raise the issue, Mike. Please, raise the issue. The absence of morality, virtue and accountability central to the fabric of our nation birthed our social and economic mess. Where is justice? Where is sanity? Where is the American backbone to say NO MORE of this destructive social chaos run amuck and unchecked?

PLEASE: NO Geithner. NO radical sexual orientation, gender, marriage policy shifts. NO loss of freedoms now in place to accommodate “behaviors” most Americans strongly disagree with. NO Obamaland. He does not possess some unchallengeable right to America’s future to redefine this country merely because he got elected president. The American people own this country! NO extorted submission of the States to the Federal Government on items they disagree with the Federal Government on!

PLEASE, give your life (again) to preserve America. The fight is different this time, but the consequence of defeat greater than we dare consider. If you need help, please enlist me.


(name omitted from post)
(town also omitted), CO

Well said, Sweety.

What the Senate and Congress Are Doing

I found this list of bills/resolutions that were introduced in the Senate. Pay particular attention to S277, S278, S281, and SJ Res 6.

The first three have to do with Obama’s version of the SD, a citizens force, that he is trying to disguise as a “service opportunity.” This will get everyone used to working for the government and further his agenda of doing away with the private sector and making government (code for “him and his cronies”) be able to control everything. (Don’t believe me? Read this.)

The last one is a proposed amendment to the US Constitution regarding US CITIZENSHIP. I was unable to find the text of the proposals, because they have not been submitted yet to the Government Printing Office (GPO). This usually takes a day or two.

If the link stops working, just go to the Congress link in my “Get Involved” list and you can look them up by number.

There is also proposed legislation, H.R. 45, to require licensing of gun owners.

I’d suggest contacting your legislators and letting them know you will vote them out of office if they pass these measures.

Where Were You During the Inaugulation?

In honor of what was supposed to be the speech of the century, if not of all time, I WENT OUT TO DINNER.

Just following his highness’ example.

>What the Senate and Congress Are Doing

>I found this list of bills/resolutions that were introduced in the Senate. Pay particular attention to S277, S278, S281, and SJ Res 6.

The first three have to do with Obama’s version of the SD, a citizens force, that he is trying to disguise as a “service opportunity.” This will get everyone used to working for the government and further his agenda of doing away with the private sector and making government (code for “him and his cronies”) be able to control everything. (Don’t believe me? Read this.)

The last one is a proposed amendment to the US Constitution regarding US CITIZENSHIP. I was unable to find the text of the proposals, because they have not been submitted yet to the Government Printing Office (GPO). This usually takes a day or two.

If the link stops working, just go to the Congress link in my “Get Involved” list and you can look them up by number.

There is also proposed legislation, H.R. 45, to require licensing of gun owners.

I’d suggest contacting your legislators and letting them know you will vote them out of office if they pass these measures.

>Where Were You During the Inaugulation?

>In honor of what was supposed to be the speech of the century, if not of all time, I WENT OUT TO DINNER.

Just following his highness’ example.

Some Bible Passages for Obama

Regarding his 20-year relationship with Rev. Wright:

“He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself; when he speaks kindly, do not listen to him. For there are seven abominations in his heart; Though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.” (Pr 26:24-26)

Regarding the seven abominations, and the partially taxpayer-funded organization he founded known as “Public Allies” that teaches people how to protest and then pays them to do it:

“These six things [from a previous passage] the Lord hates; yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” (Pr 6:16-19)

Regarding the issue of not producing his birth certificate:

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Pr 16:18)

“A proud and haughty man – “scoffer” is his name; he acts with arrogant pride.” (Pr 21:24)

“Cast out the scoffer, and contention will leave; yes, strife and reproach will cease.” (Pr 22:10)

The Lord has spoken.

>Some Bible Passages for Obama

>Regarding his 20-year relationship with Rev. Wright:

“He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself; when he speaks kindly, do not listen to him. For there are seven abominations in his heart; Though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.” (Pr 26:24-26)

Regarding the seven abominations, and the partially taxpayer-funded organization he founded known as “Public Allies” that teaches people how to protest and then pays them to do it:

“These six things [from a previous passage] the Lord hates; yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” (Pr 6:16-19)

Regarding the issue of not producing his birth certificate:

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Pr 16:18)

“A proud and haughty man – “scoffer” is his name; he acts with arrogant pride.” (Pr 21:24)

“Cast out the scoffer, and contention will leave; yes, strife and reproach will cease.” (Pr 22:10)

The Lord has spoken.

This ought to scare the pants off you

This editorial from Investors Business Daily ought to scare you to action. Do not be lulled by the appearances of moderate-ness you are seeing in Obama’s picks, etc. This is the plan, ladies and gentlemen, for our country.

We all need to pray that he is shown to be an illegal immigrant, not qualified to be president.

>This ought to scare the pants off you

>This editorial from Investors Business Daily ought to scare you to action. Do not be lulled by the appearances of moderate-ness you are seeing in Obama’s picks, etc. This is the plan, ladies and gentlemen, for our country.

We all need to pray that he is shown to be an illegal immigrant, not qualified to be president.