More government control under Obama

I caught the segment of Geraldo’s 10-25-08 show with guest Sean Hannity. Geraldo said that people are more worried about their 401k’s than Obama’s association with Ayers.

They should be worried. The Democrats are working on a bill to eliminate 401k’s and force everyone to transfer the money to, and then contribute 5% of their annual salaries per year to, a government-controlled program, on which the government has promised us a generous 3% growth per year. They are anticipating an Obama victory which will speed this measure through. This amounts, in my estimation, to government confiscating our savings. 

Here are some of my other concerns: One, squandering our social security money, which is supposed to be our retirement fund, isn’t enough for them; they want to get their hands on our life savings, under the premise that they can manage it better than we can. (Can you spell "social security?")

Two, the government now has a foothold in the banking industry.  

Three, with recent government subsidies (translation: using taxpayer money) in education finance (which helped cause the financial meltdown), the government has driven private lenders out of the education finance business, which means they now control a large percentage of our access to education. (Does Obama’s friendship with "educator" Bill Ayers worry you now? Maybe you don’t have school age children…)  

And four, Obama’s voting record shows he is not in favor of private gun ownership: He has voted against people using firearms for self defense in their own homes; he has voted to allow gun manufacturers to be sued for people misusing their products (that is like suing the auto industry every time someone gets killed by a drunk driver); he has voted to restrict gun purchases to one per month; he has voted for eliminating concealed carry permits by private citizens who qualify for them (and it’s not easy to get one); and he is in favor of restricting the type and firepower of ammunition available. I suppose he wants drug dealers and people who already don’t obey the law to be the only ones who own guns; the law-abiding citizens can’t protect themselves. 

Control our money, control our education, and take steps to render us unable to defend ourselves. Do you see a trend here? Are you now worried about Obama’s lifelong associations with radicals who hate America? You should be.

John McCain, the “Privatizer!!”

There is an ad the Alliance for Retired Americans is running in Colorado accusing John McCain of being a "privatizer" as if it’s a bad thing. The ad, seen here, is an attempt to falsely portray John McCain as wanting to take away Social Security. The definition of "privatize" from the Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary is: to transfer from public or government control or ownership to private enterprise. The second definition is to delimit or appropriate (the verb); as in "special-interest groups attempting to privatize social issues." On thier website, they are twisting the statement McCain made about it being disgraceful for today’s workers to be footing the bill for current retirees (which it is) into saying he thinks social security itself is disgraceful, and that is not what he said at all.
The Alliance for Retired Americans is an organization run by Democrats with strong ties to the Democratic party. Their executive director, Edward F. Coyle, founded Radio Fair America, which CLAIMS to be non-partisan; the purpose of this organization is to report on the effect of talk radio on politics and public opinion. Translated: keeping an eye on conservative talk shows. I wonder how many reports they submitted to the Democrats who are trying to revive the Fairness Act.  
I don’t know about you, but I feel very strongly that there is not one POSITIVE or GOOD thing the government can do better than the private sector. As a matter of fact, I think they screw up everything they touch, social s-screwity being a prime example. This ad is a blatant attempt to use a term people are not familiar with to create the unfounded and outright false fear that John McCain wants to take our social security away from us. Quite the contrary! It’s OBAMA who wants to take away our retirement money and put it under government control, forcing us to contribute 5% of our salaries on top of what we now pay in social security, income taxes, property taxes, etc. (See previous post about 401k’s.) Social security is broke, because they squandered it, and now they want to get their hands on our life savings???
Folks, this is pure socialism. It’s not America.
John McCain thinks we should be in control of our money, and I’m with him.